AI and Animals Wiki

AI and Animals Wiki

📝 Preface

Thank you for visiting Hive’s AI and Animals resource page. We believe this subject is important because it is easier to guide a system in development than change one once it is already in place.

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🗞 Article
General about AI & Animals

Collection of AI & Animals news articles, updated weekly

🗞 Article

In Veganomics magazine, from Open Paws

🗞 Article
General about AI & Animals

by Max Taylor

🔎 Research
⚖ Ethics

by Andrea Owe & Seth D. Baum, published by AI and Ethics in 2021

🤖🐔 Our group (AI for animals)
General not specific about animals🦒 Longtermism

IAA’s wiki of prompts for advocates

🔎 Research

by Leonie N. Bossert, published by Technology in Society Journal in 2021

🗞 Article
General about AI & Animals

by Lewis Bollard, Open Philanthropy farm animal welfare research newsletter

🗞 Article

by Brian Kateman, Forbes

🔎 Research

by Simon Coghlan & Christine Parker, published by Springer Link in 2023

🔎 Research

by Leonie N. Bossert, published by Springer Link in 2023

🔎 Research
⚖ Ethics

by Peter Singer & Yip Fai Tse, published by Springer Link in 2022

🔎 Research

by Thilo Hagendorff, Leonie N. Bossert, Yip Fai Tse & Peter Singer , published by Springer Link in 2022

🔎 Research

by Soenke Ziesche, published by Philosophies Journal in 2021

🔎 Research

by Oliver Bendel, published by Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics in 2018

🔎 Research

by Scherrer et al., 2023

🗞 Article

by Max Taylor

🗞 Article

by Constance Li, Nicholas Kees Dupuis

🗞 Article

by Adrià R. Moret

🗞 Article

by Sam Tucker

🗞 Article

by Rethink Priorities, Tapinder Sidhu

🗞 Article

by Elijah Persson-Gordon

🤖🐔 Our group (AI for animals)

📺 Video

AI Ethics: Global Perspectives

📺 Video

📺 Video

Peter Singer, BigThink

📺 Video

Constance Li, Generation Vegan

📺 Video

Vegan Hacktivists and Plant Based News

📺 Video

Farm Forward and Faunalytics

📺 Video

New Harvest and Schmidt Futures

🎧 Podcast

Our Hen House podcast

🎧 Podcast

Tim Ferriss

🎧 Podcast

🎧 Podcast

How I Learned To Love Shrimp podcast

🔧 AI Tools

🔧 AI Tools

guide by Steven Rouk

🔧 AI Tools

🔧 AI Tools

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🧠 AI Courses/Coaching/programs

Sofia Balderson

🧠 AI Courses/Coaching/programs

Kyle Behrend

🧠 AI Courses/Coaching/programs

🧠 AI Courses/Coaching/programs

📅 Events

February 15 2024, Food Dive

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

SF Hardware Collective

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events

4-8 December 2023, in Raleigh, NC, USA - small and more academic, not as much about industry

📅 Events

4-5 October 2023 in Princeton, NJ - academic and philosophical (see notes)

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

on Forbes by Brian Kateman

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

personal blog by Steven Rouk

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

By Tobias Baumann, Center for Reducing Suffering

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Michael Dello-Iacovo, Sentience Institute

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

By Tobias Baumann, Center for Reducing Suffering

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Jacy Reese, in Futures

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Abraham Rowe

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Jacob Eliosoff

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Michael Aird

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Yip Fai Tse

🔎 Research
🍔 Alternative proteins

by Zachary Cosenza & Michael Todhunter, published by New Harvest in 2022

🏫 Organizations
🐳 Animal Language Decoding

🏫 Organizations
🐳 Animal Language Decoding

🏫 Organizations
🐳 Animal Language Decoding

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Dorota Owczarek in Nexocode

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Emma Penrod

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by AI for Animals

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Suresh Neethirajan (in Frontiers in Veterinary Science)

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Sentient Media

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Digital Journal

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Stray Dog Institute

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Daniel M Weary (in Technology in Society)

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Tuyttens et al (in Frontiers in Veterinary Science)

🏫 Organizations
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

1. Merck Global company based in US with a department for Animal Health Intelligence that has multiple products that incorporate AI for monitoring systems in livestock farming, aquaculture, and pets. 2. Connecterra Dutch company with global reach and many corporate partnerships that developed a collar mounted device for dairy cows for monitoring animal health and methane emissions. 3. Vencomatic Group Global company based in The Netherlands with tech for autonomous broiler chicken housing and egg handling that has some AI integration 4. Cainthus US company using AI video monitoring system for managing dairy herds 5. Swedish startup developing AI video monitoring system for managing dairy cow herds 6. AI4Animals Dutch startup using AI monitoring system for slaughterhouses 7. Farmsee ****Israeli startup using AI to monitor growth of pigs 8. OneCup AI Canadian startup using AI to monitor for cow ranching herds 9. Beakbook London tech startup using AI to support the poultry industry

🗞 Article
🦔 Wildlife-Human Conflict Mitigation

by Rethink Priorities, Tapinder Sidhu. Case studies were in regards to computer vision and include: ◦ Placing them near wind turbines which shut them off when birds are detected, resulting in a 75%-89% reduction in eagle fatality rates. ◦ Installing them in crop fields to scare off birds when they approach (prevents stimulus acclimatization) to reduce the need for lethal methods of deterrence.

🗞 Article
🦔 Wildlife-Human Conflict Mitigation

by Robin McKie. AI wildlife monitoring “provides important benchmarks for measuring biodiversity in future… In the past, we have had to estimate local wildlife populations from the dead animals – such as badgers – that have been left by the track or the roadside. This way we get a much better idea of population sizes.”

🗞 Article
🍔 Alternative proteins

by Max Taylor

🗞 Article

Fortifi’s partnership with Völur uses AI to analyze data from automated meat processing equipment in real time. The AI optimizes cutting and processing by adjusting decisions based on inventory levels and the specific characteristics of each carcass. This ensures that each cut maximizes meat yield, reduces waste, and lowers the environmental impact by improving efficiency and minimizing CO2 emissions during production.

🗞 Article

MarineSitu develops rugged, low-cost marine monitoring systems using advanced cameras, sonar, and machine learning to improve biomass estimation and health monitoring in aquaculture. Their technology is designed for harsh marine environments, and they are expanding into aquaculture with support from government grants and investment from Hatch Blue's accelerator program.

🗞 Article

Precision livestock farming holds significant promise for improving animal health, efficiency, and environmental sustainability, but adoption is hindered by economic risks and limited commercial availability. Farmers are hesitant to invest in these technologies without clear evidence of a return on investment, and the complexity of some precision systems further complicates their implementation. Additionally, data ownership remains a contentious issue, with producers concerned about who controls the valuable data generated by these systems and how it is used.

🗞 Article

Precision livestock farming holds significant promise for improving animal health, efficiency, and environmental sustainability, but adoption is hindered by economic risks and limited commercial availability. Farmers are hesitant to invest in these technologies without clear evidence of a return on investment, and the complexity of some precision systems further complicates their implementation. Additionally, data ownership remains a contentious issue, with producers concerned about who controls the valuable data generated by these systems and how it is used.

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

Summary: The Ulangizi app, piloted by Opportunity International, leverages AI to assist Malawian subsistence farmers by providing crop and animal disease management advice in the local language, Chichewa, through WhatsApp. For example, farmers can take photos of sick animals, and the app diagnoses issues and suggests treatments, helping prevent livestock losses. Despite challenges such as limited smartphone access and connectivity, the app is seen as a valuable resource, saving time and money by providing quick, reliable agricultural information.

🎩 By topic

General about AI & Animals
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🗞 Article
General about AI & Animals

Collection of AI & Animals news articles, updated weekly

🗞 Article
General about AI & Animals

by Max Taylor

General not specific about animals
⭕ Kind🎩 Topic ➡ Name📜 Details🔎 Open pageArchive
🤖🐔 Our group (AI for animals)
General not specific about animals🦒 Longtermism

IAA’s wiki of prompts for advocates

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

📅 Events
General not specific about animals

⚖ Ethics
⭕ Kind🎩 Topic ➡ Name📜 Details🔎 Open pageArchive
🔎 Research
⚖ Ethics

by Andrea Owe & Seth D. Baum, published by AI and Ethics in 2021

🔎 Research
⚖ Ethics

by Peter Singer & Yip Fai Tse, published by Springer Link in 2022

🍔 Alternative proteins
⭕ Kind🎩 Topic ➡ Name📜 Details🔎 Open pageArchive
🔎 Research
🍔 Alternative proteins

by Zachary Cosenza & Michael Todhunter, published by New Harvest in 2022

🗞 Article
🍔 Alternative proteins

by Max Taylor

🏭 Precision Livestock Farming
⭕ Kind🎩 Topic ➡ Name📜 Details🔎 Open pageArchive
🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Dorota Owczarek in Nexocode

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Emma Penrod

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by AI for Animals

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Suresh Neethirajan (in Frontiers in Veterinary Science)

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Sentient Media

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Digital Journal

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Stray Dog Institute

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Daniel M Weary (in Technology in Society)

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Tuyttens et al (in Frontiers in Veterinary Science)

🏫 Organizations
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

1. Merck Global company based in US with a department for Animal Health Intelligence that has multiple products that incorporate AI for monitoring systems in livestock farming, aquaculture, and pets. 2. Connecterra Dutch company with global reach and many corporate partnerships that developed a collar mounted device for dairy cows for monitoring animal health and methane emissions. 3. Vencomatic Group Global company based in The Netherlands with tech for autonomous broiler chicken housing and egg handling that has some AI integration 4. Cainthus US company using AI video monitoring system for managing dairy herds 5. Swedish startup developing AI video monitoring system for managing dairy cow herds 6. AI4Animals Dutch startup using AI monitoring system for slaughterhouses 7. Farmsee ****Israeli startup using AI to monitor growth of pigs 8. OneCup AI Canadian startup using AI to monitor for cow ranching herds 9. Beakbook London tech startup using AI to support the poultry industry

🗞 Article
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Marian Stamp Dawkins

📺 Video
🏭 Precision Livestock Farming

by Hive

🐳 Animal Language Decoding
🦒 Longtermism
⭕ Kind🎩 Topic ➡ Name📜 Details🔎 Open pageArchive
🤖🐔 Our group (AI for animals)
General not specific about animals🦒 Longtermism

IAA’s wiki of prompts for advocates

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

on Forbes by Brian Kateman

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

personal blog by Steven Rouk

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

By Tobias Baumann, Center for Reducing Suffering

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Michael Dello-Iacovo, Sentience Institute

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

By Tobias Baumann, Center for Reducing Suffering

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Jacy Reese, in Futures

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Abraham Rowe

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Jacob Eliosoff

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Michael Aird

🗞 Article
🦒 Longtermism

by Yip Fai Tse

🦔 Wildlife-Human Conflict Mitigation
⭕ Kind🎩 Topic ➡ Name📜 Details🔎 Open pageArchive
🗞 Article
🦔 Wildlife-Human Conflict Mitigation

by Rethink Priorities, Tapinder Sidhu. Case studies were in regards to computer vision and include: ◦ Placing them near wind turbines which shut them off when birds are detected, resulting in a 75%-89% reduction in eagle fatality rates. ◦ Installing them in crop fields to scare off birds when they approach (prevents stimulus acclimatization) to reduce the need for lethal methods of deterrence.

🗞 Article
🦔 Wildlife-Human Conflict Mitigation

by Robin McKie. AI wildlife monitoring “provides important benchmarks for measuring biodiversity in future… In the past, we have had to estimate local wildlife populations from the dead animals – such as badgers – that have been left by the track or the roadside. This way we get a much better idea of population sizes.”

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Prior Layout Jan 30, 2024