

Read this page in:

🌎English (simple) 🌍Deutsch 🌏中文🌍Português🌍العربية🌏Русский🌍Français🌎Español

At Hive, we want to do our best to help and connect advocates across the globe and don’t want languages to be a barrier. While we are not at a point yet where we can ensure that everyone no matter their language can get all of the benefits from joining out community, we are taking incremental steps of getting there! Here are some of the things we are doing to overcome language barriers.

If you have any other ideas to help us overcome language barriers, let us know by contacting @Kevin Xia on Slack!

1. Our Translation Bot 🤖

As we expand our efforts to accommodate non-English speakers, we have installed a translator app! 🌍  All you need to do to use it is:

  1. Click on the three points in the top right corner of the message you would like to translate
  2. Click on "Translate this message"
  3. Choose the language you would like to have it translated into!

Check it out here ⬇️


2. Language- and Region-based channels 🌐

You may have seen that we have set up channels specifically to communicate in other languages:

But did you know that we encourage you to write in other languages in our other region-specific channels as well? This means that we are happy for you to write in Portuguese in #r-brazil, Mandarin in #r-china or any other language in any other regional channel, if you believe that many people in said channel speak the language!

3. Language Specific Ambassadors

Some of our community members have agreed to guide you through the space to help you get the most out of Hive in various languages! Feel free to reach out to them: