Channel Lead Role

Channel Lead Role

See other 🙋Slack Volunteer Roles

🗣️ Channel Lead Role

We will try to get back to you within a week. In this role, you will likely go through a 30-minute interview and/or onboarding call.

👷 Role

  • Volunteer role ~1-2 hours per week
    • Check the channel at least twice a week (working days preferred)

🧭 Responsibilities:


  • Ensure at least one relevant topic is posted weekly
    • This can be by either yourself or others
  • Ensure all posts in the channel are substantively engaged with
    • As the channel community grows, this should require less direct work on your part since other members will be more active in engaging with posts
  • Monitor discussions for adherence to our 🎾Community Guidelines. 👀 and 👍Slack Code of Conduct

Optional, depending on time and preference:

  • Stay updated on animal advocacy news relevant to the channel to guide channel discussions. 🐾
  • Experiment with and implement other ways to engage your channel, such as events, surveys, digests, and more (see below under “Posting Suggestions”)
  • Pass forward any feedback, concerns, ideas to private channel leaders channel.

💥 Benefits

  • Influence the direction of animal advocacy discourse. 🗣️
  • Improve your reputation as a thought/community leader. 💬
  • Highlight valuable offerings to help develop a cause area, group, region, or skill. 💼
  • Expand your professional network. 🤝

🎖️ Skills


  • Strong English language skills (reading and writing).
  • Proficiency in using Slack and digital communication tools.
  • Good overview of the topics your channel covers.

Good to Have:

  • Good understanding of the broader animal advocacy movement.

💡 Posting Suggestions!

As a channel lead, you have complete control when it comes to the way this community is facilitated, but here are a couple of tips and suggestions for making the channel valuable for its members.

  1. Consistent Engagement: Post regularly (at least weekly) and invite participation. You’re welcome to post up to once a day if you’d like - however, assume that every post sends a notification to members of your channel.
  2. Resources: Share useful articles, tools, or integrations. Add the most useful resources to the channel’s Canvas (collection of notes for each channel).
  3. Open-ended Questions: Stimulate discussion with thought-provoking prompts.
  4. Feedback: Invite suggestions to improve the channel.
  5. Example from #s-media-strategies

  6. Highlight Important Messages: Use emojis or bolded text to make key points or critical updates stand out.
    1. Example from #s-ai-coalition

    2. Pinned messages can help ensure long-lasting visibility for important content.
  7. Be Inclusive: Foster an environment where everyone feels welcome to contribute. Acknowledge member contributions, feedback, and achievements.
  8. Organize Meetups, AMAs or other events: Feeling ambitious? Consider scheduling regular check-ins or "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) sessions to increase engagement and answer member questions. You can suggest these on the channel leaders channel. If approved and there is a definitive plan in place, then we can put it on Luma and make an announcement on the slack.
  9. Example from #s-fundraising

  10. Promote Cross-channel Collaboration:
    1. Sometimes, channel topics may overlap. Coordinate with other channel leads to host joint discussions or share content.

Remember, as a Slack channel lead, you play a crucial role in shaping the tone and culture of the channel. By keeping the communication open, organized, and engaging, you can create a vibrant space that members look forward to participating in.

About Hive: