Most opportunities listed

NameURLDeadline (31.12. = year-round)DetailsGrant size (if applicable)Tags
September 30, 2024

A funding circle for meta charities (charities that support other charities to succeed)

> 25k
Funding circle
October 4, 2024

Proposals should aim to create a foundational framework and initial dataset to support the development of alternative protein products, as well as AI and machine learning applications within the field. This initiative should include collecting, standardizing and possibly annotating data relating to essential aspects such as nutrition, taste, texture, cost, and sustainability. The data could be collected from sources such as scientific literature, industry reports, and consumer studies. Ideally, proposals should also include defining and validating key metrics on the dataset.

November 3, 2024

Grants to organisations who do cage-free work. Applicants must be members of OWA.

> 25k
GrassrootsEstablished organisationsEarly-stage organisationsNew organisations
December 1, 2024

Give grants to plant-based campaigns around the world quarterly.

1-10k10-25k> 25k
Established organisationsGrassroots
December 31, 2024

Gives to a variety of initiatives that help farmed animals

1-10k10-25k> 25k
December 31, 2024

List proposals and get them noticed via the platform. We’ve noticed that animal ideas are unlikely to get funded, but it may be good for attention. You can also apply to be a regrantor.

December 31, 2024

All-year-round applications, focusing on cost-effective interventions.

10-25k> 25k
New organisationsEarly-stage organisations
December 31, 2024

A large group of venture capitalists, foundations, trusts, non-profits, and individual investors who share a similar investment thesis and want to accelerate mainstream adoption of products and services that will make a difference in the lives of animals, people and that are better for the planet.

December 31, 2024

Fund project-related expenses like software, only for orgs with budgets <500k.

FoundationGrassrootsEarly-stage organisations
December 31, 2024

1k seed grants to small projects

< 1k
FoundationGrassrootsNew organisations
December 31, 2024

1k seed grants to small projects

< 1k1-10k
GrassrootsNew organisations
December 31, 2024

From Vegan Grants: Our Mission: We fund advocacy that reaches a mainstream and/or influential audience with a compelling vegan diet or menu change message in a cost-effective way. Our Vision: A Vegan World

10-25k> 25k
GrassrootsEstablished organisationsNew organisations
December 31, 2024

Grants for vegan campaigns and grassroots vegan activism.

GrassrootsEstablished organisations
December 31, 2024

They accept very few unsolicited applications and are likely to approach you if they think your project is a good fit. You can be asked to be referred by another community member if you think your project might be considered. To learn more about what they are interested it, check out their latest grants.

> 25k
Established organisations
December 31, 2024

The page doesn’t have a grant landing page now, but you can email them at

December 31, 2024

Global grants, has two grants: a seed and a bigger Thrive grant.

1-10k> 25k10-25k
Established organisationsGrassrootsNew organisations

We are excited to announce that our new grant round is now open, focusing on projects that tackle emerging and under-represented animal welfare issues, particularly those exacerbated by the effects of climate change.


Find the current call here.

GrassrootsNew organisationsEarly-stage organisationsEstablished organisations

Do you have the next big digital idea to empower citizens to make healthier food choices and create more sustainable food systems?Apply to our Open Call #2 for your chance to join our FOODITY programme, get funded up to €187.500, and receive training and support to develop your solution! Applicants must be based in an EU or Horizon Europe-associated country

> 100k

Funds research projects related to removing animals from the food system.


Not only relevant for African organisations


Distributed once every year, applications are around February each year.

> 25k10-25k
New organisationsEarly-stage organisationsEstablished organisations

Assessed once every year, applications are around April each year.

A large database of funders, grantees and grants in the US, but not as targeted to effective animal advocacy as some other grants listed here.


Not eligible: • Projects involving or relying on invasive procedures on live animals • Individuals or teams not associated with an eligible entity listed above • Entities not based in the U.S. or Canada

10-25k> 25k
New organisationsEarly-stage organisationsEstablished organisations

Collection of granters with details and requirements. Nearly comprehensive but not always updated (last updated 2022)


For incubated charities only - you need to apply and be accepted into the CE programme to be eligible for this funding and this usually means building from a CE-researched idea as they are less excited for existing ideas.

10-25k> 25k
IncubatorNew ideas only

A list of Asia funding opportunities


Supports academic and artistic projects that raise public awareness about animal rights


A very new funder, not currently accepting applications but planning to starting in May 2024.


A new incubator for non-profits aiming to reduce animal suffering, promote plant-based diets from ProVeg. Doesn’t have a seed fund but covers your expenses during the incubator and will help you get introduced to funders.

IncubatorNew ideas only

For BIPOC individuals. To be eligible for this grant, your organization should have less than $200,000 in expenses

GrassrootsEarly-stage organisationsNew organisationsEstablished organisations

Grants for initiatives run by women. Organizations with an annual budget of $500,000 USD or less are eligible.

New organisationsEarly-stage organisationsEstablished organisationsGrassroots

“I’m most interested in charities that pursue novel ways to change complex systems, either through technological breakthroughs, new social institutions, or targeted political change”. Last year Legal Impact for Chickens got a grant.

> 25k1-10k10-25k
Early-stage organisationsNew organisationsGrassrootsEstablished organisations

“At this time, Phauna conducts grantmaking by invitation only. However, we welcome […] Due to our limited staffing resources, we will only reach out to projects that demonstrate the strongest alignment with our current funding priorities. General inquiries about the foundation or grant activities will not be answered. […]”

“The Voiceless Grants Program focuses exclusively on the root causes of animal exploitation and works to shift the anti-animal values, beliefs and assumptions that shape our political, social, legal and economic systems. Rather than working under existing attitudes, we support transformative, disruptive stances, visionary projects, partners and ideas, that will challenge the status-quo, ensure animals have fair and effective legal rights and realise our vision for a just and equitable where animals can flourish. We invest in people and projects to foster pro-animal values and create lasting systemic change by disrupting the status quo and reforming our social, political, legal and institutional systems.”


Farmed Animal Funders (FAF) is a donor community made up of individuals and foundations giving more than $250,000 per year to end factory farming. Activities include funder coordination, advising, and meta-fundraising. They occasionally have requests for proposals, but do not have applications open by default.

The Terra Viva Grants Directory offers profiles of about 800 grant makers and programs, organized by subject areas. We recommend that grant seekers always consult “cross-cutting,” the largest group. Group 1: Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry Group 2: Biodiversity, Conservation, Wildlife Group 3: Energy, Climate Change Group 4: Water Resources Group 5: Cross-Cutting (two or more of the subjects above)


A group of impact-focused donors founded in 2024 who support promising animal-focused nonprofits with strategic funding. They step in to fill the gaps from other funders and help in scaling up the efforts leading to less animal suffering.

1-10k10-25k> 25k> 100k
Funding circle

Veg Trust supports animal advocates, including individuals, non-profits, and charities. They prioritize projects focused on farmed animals, with a particular interest in public engagement, corporate and institutional work, and movement building. While many of their grantees are based in Europe, they also aim to support advocates in typically underfunded regions.

New organisationsEarly-stage organisationsRegranter