Fundraising Training Series - Pulling Back the Curtain on Funder Decision Making

WebinarPitchingProposalsRelationship-buildingMaking the ask1.5 hour

This session will share insights into funder decision-making and other aspects of the funding process from a funder point of view. Between power dynamics, unspoken expectations, and different funders’ styles, funder-nonprofit dynamics can be challenging to understand and navigate. Verónica, Tom, and Lauren will draw from their experiences in the grantmaking and philanthropy service spaces to share insights into how funders approach aspects of the funding process, with the goal of making communication and relationship-building with funders more accessible and inclusive.

See the Q&A section.

If a funder says “no”, it’s a good opportunity to ask why. However don’t pitch again, respect the decision.

Be transparent about what you are asking the money for. If it’s for operational cost, be transparent. Say “a couple of other funders support us with operations, so it would be very helpful to get operational support from you. If it’s not a good fit for your theory of change, we are happy to tell you about our project if you’d like to support more project-based work”.

However funders are more and more open to operational non-restricted funding.

Share where you are at financially: what’s your budget, how much do you already have, how healthy is your budget? If your operations are not sufficient, then the funders will have doubts whether you can actually complete your projects.