
Organizational Brand Guide

[Organization Name] Content Writing Guide for AI

Facts of the Organization

Here, detail the key facts of your nonprofit, such as the year it was founded, the number of members, subscribers, or volunteers it has, and any significant projects or initiatives it has launched.

Focus of the Organization

Here, outline your organization's primary focus areas. Describe your key goals, areas of impact, and approaches you use to maximize the efficacy of your work.

Philosophies and Frameworks of the Organization

List the core philosophies and frameworks that guide your organization's work. This could include particular methods or models of working, specific principles or values, or guiding approaches to change.

Team Members

List key team members here, providing a brief summary of each person's role and relevant experience.

Mission Statement

In this section, write your organization's mission statement, a succinct explanation of your nonprofit's goals and the strategies you employ to achieve those goals.


Define your Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) here. These should include specific, measurable goals and the results you aim to achieve in your pursuit of those goals. It's generally best to include a mix of ambitious long-term goals and more achievable short-term objectives.

Theory of Change

Here, outline your organization's theory of change. This should include an explanation of your mission, your main activities or programs, the outputs you expect from these activities, the outcomes you aim to achieve, and your ultimate goal.

Copywriting Guide for Bios

Provide guidance on how your team should present themselves and the organization at professional and casual events. The description should include both long and short versions.

Style of Writing Emails

Offer some tips on how to write emails for your organization. This may include tone, formatting, personalization, and the use of calls to action.

Format when Promoting Other Organizations

Give guidelines on how to promote other organizations in your communications. This can include how to frame the promotion, what information to include, and the kind of language to use.

Format when Writing Web Copy

Finally, provide guidelines on writing web copy. This should cover language, style, formatting, and calls to action.



Feedback for Organizational Brand Guide

Prompt #

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